Take control of your Finances
with AlAinPay

Streamline your payment needs with our comprehensive Services.

Our comprehensive Services

AlainPay, your comprehensive payment gateway solution designed to streamline your financial transactions.

  • Send Money: Effortlessly transfer funds to anyone, anywhere, with just a few clicks. Experience quick and secure money transfers at your fingertips.
  • Payment Request: Simplify payment collection by generating customized payment requests. Send personalized invoices and receive payments seamlessly.
  • QR Pay: Embrace the convenience of QR code payments. Scan or generate QR codes to enable hassle-free transactions, making payments a breeze.
  • Exchange Money: Seamlessly convert currencies with competitive exchange rates. Unlock global opportunities by effortlessly managing multiple currencies.
  • Payment Links: Share payment links effortlessly through various channels. Allow your customers to make payments easily by directing them to personalized payment pages.
  • Settlement: Receive timely and accurate settlements to keep your financial operations running smoothly.
  • Earning Overview: Gain valuable insights into your earnings with our comprehensive overview.
  • Revenue Report: Access detailed reports on your revenue streams. Analyze transaction data.

Send Money

Payment Request

QR Pay

Exchange Money

Payment Links


Earning Overview

Revenue Report

Uncover why we stand out from the competition

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Harnessing the latest advancements in blockchain technology, built to surpass industry norms.


Seamlessly conduct swift payments worldwide in under a minute using our user-friendly app.

Low Cost

Experience cost-effective payments through our services, competitive fees, and transparent pricing.

Simple Payment Gateway Process

There is very simple payment process in AlainPay. By using AlainPay you can go cashless to your shopping and pay in just Three simple steps.

Create Account

Download the app. Create and varify your acount.

Scan QR Code

Scan the QR code of other account you want to pay.


After scan just need to press pay button.

Unlock a world of possibilities with AlainPay

By using AlainPay you can unlock a world of possibilities by it's key features.

Pay bills
QR Code payments
Exchange Money
Multi currency wallet
End to end payment management
Transfer money to friends and family
Create payment links to accept payments
Transaction Reports

Scan & Download The Apps.

Google Store
Apple Store

Frequently Asked Questions

Alain Pay is a payment gateway. You can integrate in your Project.

AlainPay cost is very low as compare to market and settlements on time without any issue.

It's very easy to open and approve a Individual account. Sign up and provided the required Decuments.

It's very easy to open and approve a Business account. Sign up and provided the required Decuments and Business trade license.